Half Moon Pose strengthens every muscle in the body’s core, especially in the abdomen, and flexes and strengthens the latissimus dorsi, oblique, deltoid and trapezius muscles.
It increases the flexibility of the spine comprehensively, from coccyx to neck; promotes proper kidney function; and helps to cure enlargement of the liver and spleen.
Provides quick energy and vitality for your practice session
Corrects any issues with posture or with lower-back pain
Strengthens thighs, calves, and all of body’s central muscles
Exercises circulatory, glandular, pancreatic, muscular, respiratory, renal, and skeletal systems
Improves bowel activity by toning abdominal organs and spinal nerves
Firms and trims abdomen, buttocks, hips, and waistline
Lessens anxiety and mental stress
Increases spinal flexibility
Stand with feet and ankles touching, ground down through your feet with the big toes pressing down firmly your pinky toes flaring. Tighten the muscles in your lower body and establish a strong foundation.
On an inhale bring your arms up overhead from the side and interlace your fingers and release your index fingers.
Bring the weight slightly in to your heels with your hips pressing forward slightly. On your next inhale, lift your torso up and away from your hips and lengthen through the arms. Keep the abdominals engaged. Keep your lower back fast.
On exhale, begin to slide your hips to the left and reach for the top corner of the room. Keep your chest shoulders and hips parallel to the front of your mat. Continuously feel the rib case lengthening away from the hips. Maintain the integrity in the supporting oblique.
Hold, Hold Hold... Arms down by your side.
During Hands-to-Feet pose, glue body to legs and move elbows as close to each other as possible behind calf muscles.
Lift hips up towards ceiling while moving face increasingly further down your shins